Un mondo dove........
I semi da tappeto erboso sono selezionati USA SOD Quality e di ultima generazione, sono miscelati seguendo logiche ed esigenze conoscendo la situazione pedoclimatica e qualità strutturale del terreno dei l uoghi di semina e possono essere personalizzati con il marchio e/o le richieste del cliente. ( Catalogo da pag.4)
Produciamo materiali per idrosemina , tra cui un formulato 7in1 a cui va aggiunto solo il seme , un mulching con tracciante e un collante in polvere completamente organico naturale e vari mix di semi per ripristini ambientali innovativi e per usi specifici personalizzabili da esigenze del clienteda capitolato.
I fertilizzanti sono prodotti ad uso specifico per tappeto erboso , formulati granulari o liquidi e sono arrichiti dalla gamma ECO COMPATIBILE che comprende innovativi prodotti antagonisti patogeni, ad uso specifico ed innovativi anche per quanto riguarda i formulati da utillizzare in agricoltura e agricoltura BIO.
I semi per fioriture alternative sono autentiche novità per rispondere alle moderne esigenze di gestione pianificata degli spazi urbani , mediante la fioritura arricchendo di biodiversita , sono inoltre disponibili una gamma di miscele per mellifere ed è inoltre disponibile la nuova produzione di miscele dedicate alla protezione delle coltivazioni .
.......Le novità arrivano prima ,
Nel 2009 abbiamo presentato e iniziato a distribuire un innovativo prodotto per consolidare e gestire le superfici in ghiaia. www.nidagravel.eu
Nel 2010 in occasione della manifestazione Flormart di Settembre a Padova presentammo in anteprima una miscela di semi da tappeto erboso contenente una varietà di Festuca arundinacea Sod Quality Endophyte RIZOMATOSA
Nel 2011 in occasione della nostra presenza al Flormart di Settembre a Padova abbiamo partecipato al concorso delle novità ,con due articoli ,un fertilizzante ENVI-Green 0-0-11+Fe di nostra produzione con una formulazione nuova che adotta i nnovative chelature e un formulato per operazioni di idro semina avente al suo i nterno 7 articoli miscielati , praticamente tutto quello che serve meno il seme, seme che va scelto in relazione al lavoro da svolgere.
Nel 2012 in occasione del Flormart di Settembre abbiamo presentato ECOprato www.ecoprato.com un metodo ecocompatibile per la gestione del verde e del tappeto erboso.
Nel 2013 in collaborazione con la società Crema Green , www.cremagreen.it si è giunti alla certificazione del tappeto a rotoli ECOROTOLO utilizzando il metodo ECOPRATO , primo tappeto in rotoli certificato ecocompatibile ( CSI Reg.n° 725 )
Sempre nel 2013 Il metodo ECOprato per la gestione del tappeto erboso netodo ecocompatibile partecipa al concorso OROFLOR nel corso della maifestazione FLORMART , riceve una menzione ed un premio dalla giuria in quanto a novità.
Nel 2014 il metodo ECOprato partecipa all'evento OROFLOR ,manifestazione internazionale con premiazione finale
12 settembre 2014 , Il METODO ECOPRATO si aggiudica il primo premio di categoria
come primo ed unico Metodo ecocompatibile registrato per l a gestione del verde sportivo ed ornamentale ( CSI Reg.n° 909 )
Nel 2015 Inseriamo a catalogo 2 varietà di Festuca A di provenienza americana .assolutamente splendide con alte doti di qualità di resistenza , colore , finezza , tutto al top di gamma.
Nel 2016 Parteciperemo al workschop di AIDTPG in qualitàdi sponsor , in Settembre a Bolzano , in quell'occasione presenteremo alcuni formulati liquidi della linea FOODLAND , nuovi dedicati alla messa a dimora e trapianto di alberi e arbusti in ambienti sterili.
NUOVA PRODUZIONE Di mulching 5in1 formulato ricco di paglia ideale per inerbimenti in idrosemina.
Nel 2018 Abbiamo ampliato le referenze di nostre produzioni fertilizzanti introducendo un nuovo articolo
SUPERZOLLA che con le sue caratteristiche ha notevoli doti di veloce sviluppo radicale lasciando nel terreno un idroritentore per la riserva idrica
Nel 2020. E'iniziata una collaborazione di export con un nostro partner cinese su referenze fertilizzanti e di import per referenze di materie prime
are selected USA SOD Quality and last generation, mixed with logic and needs by knowing the pedoclimatic situation and the structural quality of soil in sowing plants and can be customized with the brand and / or customer requests. (Catalog on page 4)
We produce hydrosemine materials, including a 7in1 formulation to which only the seed is added, mulching with tracer and a completely organic natural powder adhesive and various seed mixes for innovative environmental restorations and for specific uses tailored to the requirements of the clienteda specification.
Fertilizers are produced specifically for turf rugs, granular or liquid formulations, and come from the ECO COMPATIBLE range that includes innovative pathogenic, specific and innovative products, also with regard to formulations to be used in agriculture and agriculture BIO.
Seeds for alternative flowering are authentic novelties to meet the modern planning needs of urban spaces, through the blossoming of biodiversity, a range of blends for mellifera are also available, and new crop production dedicated to crop protection is also available .
....... News comes first,
In 2009 we presented and began distributing an innovative product to consolidate and manage gravel surfaces. www.nidagravel.eu
In 2010 at the Flormart event in September in Padua we presented a mixture of turf seedlings containing a variety of Festuca arundinacea Sod Quality Endophyte RyZOMATOSA
In 2011, during our presence at the Flormart in September in Padova, we participated in the contest of the novelties, with two articles, an ENVI-Green 0-0-11 + Fe fertilizer of our production with a new formulation that adopts nano-chelature and a Formulated for hydro seed processing with its 7 mixed items, practically everything that serves less seed, seed to be chosen in relation to the work to be done.
In 2012 at the September Flormart we presented ECOlawn www.ecoprato.com an environmentally friendly method for green and turf management.
In 2013, in collaboration with Crema Green, www.cremagreen.it has been certified for the ECOROTOLO rolling carpet using the ECOLAWN method, the first ecologically certified rolling carpet (CSI Reg.n ° 725)
Always in 2013 The ECOprato method for the management of ecologically unspoiled turf attendance participates in the OROFLOR competition during the FLORMART event, receiving a mention and award from the jury as a novelty.
In 2014, the ECOlawn method takes part in the OROFLOR event, an international event with a final prize
September 12, 2014, the ECOLAWN METHOD won the first category prize
As the first and only Eco-friendly method for the management of sports and ornamental greenery (CSI Reg.n ° 909)
In 2015, we put in the catalog 2 varieties of Festuca arr of American origin. Absolutely gorgeous with high qualities of endurance, color, finesse, all to the top of the range.
In 2016 We will participate in AIDTPG's workchop as sponsors in September in Bolzano, on that occasion we will present some liquid formulations of the FOODLAND line, new dedicated to planting and transplanting trees and shrubs in sterile environments.
NEW PRODUCTION Mulching 5in1 formulated rich in straw ideal for insects in hydrosemina.
In 2018 we expanded the references of our fertilizer productions by introducing a new article SUPERZOLLA which, thanks to its characteristics, has remarkable qualities of fast root development, leaving a water retainer in the ground for the water reserve
In 2020. An export collaboration has begun with one of our Chinese partners on fertilizer references and import for raw material references
are selected USA SOD Quality and last generation, mixed with logic and needs by knowing the pedoclimatic situation and the structural quality of soil in sowing plants and can be customized with the brand and / or customer requests. (Catalog on page 4)
We produce hydrosemine materials, including a 7in1 formulation to which only the seed is added, mulching with tracer and a completely organic natural powder adhesive and various seed mixes for innovative environmental restorations and for specific uses tailored to the requirements of the clienteda specification.
Fertilizers are produced specifically for turf rugs, granular or liquid formulations, and come from the ECO COMPATIBLE range that includes innovative pathogenic, specific and innovative products, also with regard to formulations to be used in agriculture and agriculture BIO.
Seeds for alternative flowering are authentic novelties to meet the modern planning needs of urban spaces, through the blossoming of biodiversity, a range of blends for mellifera are also available, and new crop production dedicated to crop protection is also available .
....... News comes first,
In 2009 we presented and began distributing an innovative product to consolidate and manage gravel surfaces. www.nidagravel.eu
In 2010 at the Flormart event in September in Padua we presented a mixture of turf seedlings containing a variety of Festuca arundinacea Sod Quality Endophyte RyZOMATOSA
In 2011, during our presence at the Flormart in September in Padova, we participated in the contest of the novelties, with two articles, an ENVI-Green 0-0-11 + Fe fertilizer of our production with a new formulation that adopts nano-chelature and a Formulated for hydro seed processing with its 7 mixed items, practically everything that serves less seed, seed to be chosen in relation to the work to be done.
In 2012 at the September Flormart we presented ECOlawn www.ecoprato.com an environmentally friendly method for green and turf management.
In 2013, in collaboration with Crema Green, www.cremagreen.it has been certified for the ECOROTOLO rolling carpet using the ECOLAWN method, the first ecologically certified rolling carpet (CSI Reg.n ° 725)
Always in 2013 The ECOprato method for the management of ecologically unspoiled turf attendance participates in the OROFLOR competition during the FLORMART event, receiving a mention and award from the jury as a novelty.
In 2014, the ECOlawn method takes part in the OROFLOR event, an international event with a final prize
September 12, 2014, the ECOLAWN METHOD won the first category prize
As the first and only Eco-friendly method for the management of sports and ornamental greenery (CSI Reg.n ° 909)
In 2015, we put in the catalog 2 varieties of Festuca arr of American origin. Absolutely gorgeous with high qualities of endurance, color, finesse, all to the top of the range.
In 2016 We will participate in AIDTPG's workchop as sponsors in September in Bolzano, on that occasion we will present some liquid formulations of the FOODLAND line, new dedicated to planting and transplanting trees and shrubs in sterile environments.
NEW PRODUCTION Mulching 5in1 formulated rich in straw ideal for insects in hydrosemina.
In 2018 we expanded the references of our fertilizer productions by introducing a new article SUPERZOLLA which, thanks to its characteristics, has remarkable qualities of fast root development, leaving a water retainer in the ground for the water reserve
In 2020. An export collaboration has begun with one of our Chinese partners on fertilizer references and import for raw material references